The poll on multi-lingual living, which I ran on my blog a
couple of weeks ago, is now closed.
The results are very interesting. The first
thing I learned is that I have a thing or two to learn about creating surveys.
The questions could have been better phrased to fit more peoples’
My own experience of filling in surveys for various
organisations has told me that that they should be short and that there is no
‘one-size-fits all’ response to survey questions. I am very glad therefore that
I gave respondents some space to put in their own comments.
I condense the results very briefly here.
Sixty-five people responded and a big thank you to everyone who
spent a couple of minutes on this.
There were three questions, two of them were mutually
exclusive – or so one might have thought – but in fact one person translates
both ways, so answered both.
Q1. What kind of
(language) household do you live in?
Twenty-eight people (43.1%) live in a mono-lingual household. I
was heartened by this because I had previously formed the opinion that I am very much in minority and that most translators have greater access to language practice
that I do. Although 43.1% still represents a minority - it's bigger than I expected. And if you add those who live alone, it actually becomes a majority.
Twenty-four people (36.9%)
live in a bi-lingual environment, seven (10.8%) in a multi-lingual
household and six (9.2%) live alone.
There were some very interesting comments on this point. One
respondent mentioned that she and her husband each have different native
languages, neither of which is the language of the country they live in. Most
of those who live alone mentioned that they have friends or relations who are
natives of their source language. One person pointed out that she was in the
same boat as me in that her husband stoically refuses to learn her source
language. To be fair, my husband did try once.
Another couple, both of the same native language but both
also bilingual, switch to the other language when they don’t want people to know
what they are saying. (I do that sometimes with my French friend Michele when
we wish to make a catty remark about someone.)
One of the multi-lingual households mentioned that there were
three members of the household and between them they had four languages:
Arabic, German, English and Polish – not all mutually understood.
One respondent in a bi-lingual household (native language
English) speaks Italian to her children. But the children are not very
cooperative and reply in English. Another couple (French/Australian) is trying
to bring up the children in both cultures and languages.
The second and third questions were:
Qs 2 and 3: If you
live in your target (or, for Q 3, source) country, how long do you spend
each year in your source/target country?
Again, I’m glad I allowed people to make comments because,
inevitably, the options didn’t necessarily fit the circumstances.
Forty of the respondents live, like me, in their target
language country, and the vast majority of these (36 - or 90%) spend less
than a month in their source language country. Four of them spend between one
and three months away from home, and no-one spends longer in their source
language country. Some respondents commented, giving further details on how
that time is split over the year.
Twenty-six people
live in their source language country (one person filled in both questions
because she or he translates both ways. The question relating to amount of time
spent away from home came out with a slightly smaller majority for those living
in their target country: twenty (76.9%) spend less than a
month away, and three between one and three months.
One person living in Australia isn’t able to get back to her
native France every year and is very grateful to the Internet for making it
possible to keep up-to-date with developments in her language. Another, living
in her target country, makes an effort to cultivate friends who speak her
source language. Yet another points out that travel plans vary from year to
By the way, the survey was completely anonymous and I don’t
know who the respondents are. If I attribute a gender to anyone in the comments
above, it is because the person gave a clue in the comment.
I find these results very interesting. Of course the survey
was small, and not very scientific, but it shows that there are very many
working translators who are not surrounded by different languages on a daily
basis and have to make considerable efforts to keep their language skills
Tip: Free language podcasts from
or those residing in their target country here’s a tip
for honing your language / listening skills. If you use iTunes (if you don’t
you should) search the iTunes store for “Higher Education” “French” (or your
desired language) and see what podcasts come up. Most are free. It's a neat way of learning something
new about a subject you enjoy, delivered by an academic in your source
language. I listen when I can on my iPad where iTunes U is the app to go for. I'm currently watching a lecture on computer science from a technical university in Germany. Thanks to my business partner Sarah
Dillon for this tip. She mentioned it on her blog some months ago.
I shall put forward some more ideas on low-cost or free ways of honing language and other professional skills in future editions of my blog. Meantime, if you have any of your own
ideas for unusual sources of CPD, please do let me know.