Wednesday, 13 November 2013

When statistics get exciting!

If you have a website - and in 2013 few translators haven't - you probably use an analysis utility to find out who is visiting your site.

I still am completely and childishly fascinated by the global breadth of the appeal of eCPD Webinars.

Recently, I delved fairly deeply into the demographics of visitors to the eCPD website. I was amazed to find that this year we had received visits from 148 different countries. Apparently there are 195 independent countries in the world, so our website has had visitors from 76% of the entire globe.

I also discovered that this year we have received over 41,000 visits, 43% of them new visitors and our overall visitor rate has increased considerably over 2012. One person visited us from a land in the Arctic I was not even aware of - Svalbard and Jan Mayen - a Norwegian territory in the Arctic. I am truly thrilled that so many people all over the world want to know more about us.

Moreover, a detailed look at a different set statistics for our mailings shows that while the majority of our readers are in Europe and the US, people as far afield as Indonesia, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Seychelles, and Panama regularly open our newsletters.

So I thought to myself that it would be great if we knew more about you. The one thing statistics do not provide is names or addresses - such statistics are anonymised of course. So this is an invitation to all of you, in whichever country you reside,  to tell us about yourself - your job, your goals and aspirations for the future, and what you are doing to enhance your career as a translator or interpreter. Send your contributions to me at or simply write a comment below and I will include some of them in a future post. I hope that we at eCPD are able to help you achieve your goals, increase your professionalism, and enhance your earning power.

Please note that if you you take up this invitation we may publish the information given on our blog. Please do not therefore send details that are too personal, though we will, of course, edit contributions so that they meet the criteria of publications on the web.

Keep visiting our website and reading our chatty newsletters.

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